I'm a Zazzle Gold Proseller!
Many years before I took my first jewelry making course, picked up a torch or started selling online, I was actively designing on Zazzle.
Zazzle is a POD (Print on Demand) site that I discovered in 2009. It appealed to me because it offered a wide variety of products beyond the standard t-shirts and mugs, and had a built in marketplace with good earnings potential for designers and affiliates.
My early designs were not great, my shop name choices pretty awful, but somehow I made a few sales and stuck with it.
I was a hard-core zazzler for a few years, plugging away every day creating products in my various stores until I reached Silver Proseller level. (25k lifetime earnings based on US sales.) I was so happy and proud of this accomplishment!
Life got in the way sometime around 2014, and I slowed down gradually over a couple years until I stepped away entirely, but my shops coasted along all the way to Gold. (100k lifetime earnings based on US sales) YAY me!
My daughter recently started zazzling, so my love for all things Zazzle has been renewed!
Check out her shops here:
Dreamy CrystalsSpirit Shack
Outdoor Canada